Belfast Go Club meets on Monday nights as part of the TableTopNorth games society at the Belfast Boat club. Meetings start at around 7:00pm and finish usually before 10:00pm - although it is possible to stay on longer should you so wish. Be aware that TableTopNorth charges an annual fee for use of the room - currently 40 pounds I think. However your first few nights will be free.
We are now in the brewbot on the Ormeau Road. I strongly recommend emailing to make sure it's happening!
We have around 10 members from 20kyu up to 1dan in strength. We have enough equipment to cope with anyone who wants to turn up. Beginners are extremely welcome, if you want to learn how to play the game please come to our club. We are excellent teachers and can show you how to learn the game and how to improve quickly. It's worth emailing in advance to ensure tha club is actually meeting.
We try to create one tournament a year for our members, you can find out more about our previous tournaments in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Next year we plan to get something bigger for the 5th anniversary.
On this website you can also find a little bit of history. Archived from geocities some old Top 8 information, a review of my games in the Irish Championship Final 2007, 2009 and now 2010. Finally, there is also the essential vanity page describing my life in Go.
Belfast Go club is twinned with Black Squirrel Go Club
- Ian Davis, Club President.
Contact Details:
Email : james8hut (at) hotmail (dot) com