Being only amateur 1 dan I don't expect to get a lot of interest in teaching. However I will offer paid lessons on a limited basis. In my own opinion I am a reasonably good teacher, since I teach a lot at my club and have one pupil who was UK champion at under-8 level twice a row, then under-10 twice in a row. How much you will improve with studying with me I have no idea, but at least you won't become poor. If you are above 10kyu in strength then I will not teach you, because I don't think you will learn enough.
Teaching Game + review (text only), expected duration about 1 to 1.5 hours
1 lesson - 5 euro (1 lesson is pretty useless)
5 lessons - 15 euro
10 lessons - 28 euro
Review By Email
N games for 1 x N euro
Payment through paypal only, contact me on KGS for details if you are interested.
- Profile -
Name: Ian Davis
Rank 1d EGF, 2d KGS, 3d AGA
- Short reviews -
jokkebk "Lessons with Ian were always a lot of fun, and the teaching games had the right amount of challenge. Especially learning about keeping my groups strong and opponent's weak helped me to get from 14k to 10k within 2 months."